October 7, 2021 Newsletter

From the Headmaster’s Desk

Grace and peace parents,

Read down through below to get a snapshot of a day here at St. Abe’s! Here are my own thoughts about just what Christian classical education is: It is the most historic and time-tested educational philosophy of Christian culture. It is a holistic, harmonious and integrated method of inculturating the mind and the heart in a historic liberal arts education of our broad western civilization. Classical ed. refers to a philosophy and a methodology of schooling. This educational approach is doing everything above with Jesus Christ at the heart and center of it all.


“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch

How are we firing your children up to transform the world for Jesus Christ? Here:

-I hear daily call-outs from teachers that promote an eager and joyful response to authority.

-I sat in on upper school math courses today and I assure you ... your students are getting

first-rate mathematics here.

-In 11/12th grade English the students are learning to write from a published author.

-In singing school today the students are able to sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” in four part


-In mid-day chapel this week the students were reminded about three lies that erode people’s

lives. First lie: I am what I do (career). Instead, we are what Jesus has done for us. Second

lie: I am what I have (possessions). Instead, we are what God has given to us. Third lie: I

am what other people think of me. No, instead, I am what God says about me in Jesus

Christ. The students were reminded that they are totally complete in Christ – Col. 1:27,28

-In apologetics, the students learned (some were just reminded because they’ve learned this

in their outstanding science here) that the conflict between Galileo and the Roman Catholic

Church was not a war between science and religion. You’ll remember that Galileo revealed

that we live in a heliocentric not geocentric universe (earth orbits sun, not sun orbits earth).

The crisis was Aristotle’s geocentric universe that the church came to believe as dogma. The

tension was between good science and bad science, not religion vs. the “brave” atheist.

Galileo was a devout believer.

I could go on and on. There are good things happening in every classroom, every day. We love your children and it is our joy to be serving them.

Mr. Alexander